Fabric Shopping in the Garment District with Ann

Fabric Shopping in the Garment District with Ann

Jul 10, 2020Ann Steeves

a.k.a. "A Day in the Life"

So, have you ever wondered what it's like being the owner of a fabric store? It's lots of fun, mixed with enormous amounts of work, both physical and mental. Listing fabric, coming up with marketing strategies, filling orders, providing customer service, paying bills, cleaning the office...

But the really FUN part is when I get to go fabric shopping! And here's a very short video I made for National Sewing Circle of a day with Ann on the road in NYC. You get the director's cut. Mooshie got left on the editing room floor in the version that was published on FB.

I am putting up a metric tonne of new fabrics, so check the site often for the latest.

Oh! And through July 31, 2020, save 15% off your order with the coupon code NSCSUMMER.

Enjoy, and happy sewing!


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